The Cost of Infertility: How to Navigate the Finances of IVF
By Erin Wood, Senior Vice President, Financial Planning and Advanced Solutions After my struggle with pregnancy issues, I was surprised by how quickly I found out I wasn’t alone. Friends, relatives, coworkers – people I’d known for years – were suddenly sharing with me a vital but private p …
How to Create a Healthy Relationship With Money in 6 Steps
When thinking about money – do you feel stressed, tense, controlling, confused, like you have an abundance of it or a lack thereof? If you relate to any of these questions, you have an unhealthy relationship with your money.
How to Plan For College and Keep Expenses Down in the Age of the Student Debt Crisis
For most students, experts say it remains financially worth it to go to college, despite rising tuition and opportunity costs in relation to increasing wages for workers holding only a high school diploma. The average rate of return (net gain or loss on college investment across a career) is 14%.
The Power of ‘Emotional ROI’ Through Charitable Giving
Return on Investment (ROI) is a term you learn about 5 minutes into your first class in business school. Maybe the business model is elegant and the organization is streamlined, but that all begs the question: what is the ROI? How much will we make?
How to Decide the Best Place to Live When You Retire
One of the questions I get asked often is “Where should I live in retirement?” Sometimes the person is asking about a list of cities, sometimes they’re asking about what type of residence – home, apartment, condo, retirement community, etc. – and sometimes it’s even other countries.
Jamie Hopkins on “Stacking Benjamins”
We’re going to dive into everything mortgages 101 today, like PMI, the negotiability of fees, and the lie that everyone quoting rates is telling. On today’s show we welcome the guy who’s teaching us everything millennials need to know about mortgages, Jeff VanNote.
Nelly Volunteers: More Proof She’s a Very Good Girl
Written by Nelly Carson, with lots of help from Jeanie Carson Throughout history, my kind has done our very best to prove we’re worthy of being called a Good Boy or a Good Girl. Sure, we don’t have much competition among other house pets – cats have major attitude, turtles lack potty traini …
Nelly Naps: A Canine Guide to Quality Shut-Eye
Published by Nelly Carson If you’ve been following my journey as a dog blogger (you’re missing out if you haven’t been), you may have noticed I have a bit of an obsession with naps. Think of my sleep schedule as a hobbit’s eating schedule. Whereas they have breakfast, second breakfast, elev …
The Benefits of a Company Concierge
Published by Katie Sautter Every day is a new adventure in the life of Carson Wealth Management Group’s Company Concierge! I manage all incoming errand requests for our stakeholders – they just have to fill out a form online. Coffee runs to Starbucks, lunch runs to local eateries, departmen …
A Blog from a Dog: Nelly Carson Welcomes a Four-legged Intern
Published by Nelly Carson At Carson Wealth and Carson Group, we are GROWING. Not in the slow, leisurely way you meander down the sidewalk when taking your human for a walk, but in the fast, chasing after a mailman who has dared to step foot on your lawn kind of way. While it’s exciting to …